Personalised Gildan T-Shirts

Gildan t-shirts are a classic choice for personalised t-shirts and polos thanks to their high-quality fabrics, perfect for print. Add embroidered logos, names, or full-colour images to create unique shirts that stand out.

Gildan - Softstyle™ Adult Ringspun T Shirt (1)

Our Gildan t-shirt range

Our range includes Gildan t-shirts and polos for men, women, and children, including Heavy Cotton, Ultra Cotton, Softstyle, and Performance tees. Most t-shirts have tearaway labels, making them perfect for custom clothing labels.

Heavy Cotton t-shirts are more durable than lightweight t-shirts, making them perfect for year-round use. Lighter t-shirts, such as the Softstyle range, are better for activities, or you can choose polyester with the Performance range.

Whether you want to create a custom clothing line, casual workwear, or branded merchandise, Gildan shirts are a fantastic choice.  

Why Gildan?

Gildan is a brand you can trust for apparel – renowned for their comfortable fit, durability, and affordability, making them ideal for any customer. The brand is committed to being eco-friendly, using sustainable cotton and minimal packaging.

Every Gildan shirt has Oeko-Tex certification, one of the world’s best-known labels for textiles tested for harmful substances, and SEDEX and WRAP certification. Kids’ t-shirts are also CPSIA tracking label compliant.

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