Personalised AWDis T-shirts

Create quality custom AWDis t-shirts that fit beautifully and look great. AWDis shirts provide the perfect canvas for your logos and graphics.

Personalised T shirts AWDis

Our range of personalised AWDis t-shirts

We stock AWDis Just Cool, AWDis Just T’s, and AWDis Ecologie tees. AWDis cool t-shirts boast Neoteric fabric with quick-drying properties, while the AWDis Just T’s range blends polyester, viscose, and cotton for a stretchy fit.

Our collection includes AWDis shirts for men, women, and children, with multiple fits and styles available to suit people of all shapes and sizes. 

We make ordering custom AWDis t-shirts easy and our experts are always available to advise on the best printing techniques for your custom t-shirt design.

Why AWDis t-shirts?

When AWDis launched the iconic JH001 hoodie in 2008, it began its journey towards becoming a market leader for personalised t-shirts.

AWDis t-shirts stand out with high-quality materials and colourfastness. They are the leading brand in printability, offering a wide selection of colours and sizes.

AWDis oversees the design and production of their t-shirts, sourcing materials responsibly and using 100% virgin plastic-free packaging.



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