Back to School with embroidered polo shirts and personalised school bags
Back to school time, and for us here at Garment Printing that means one thing: embroidered polo shirts and personalised school bags for school uniforms. It probably goes without saying that all the teachers out there are elated about being back at school, but probably not as happy as the parents, who’ve waited a good 6 weeks to get their kiddywinks out of the house and back to school.
Of course, much preparation goes into this pivotal moment, especially if the child is starting a new school or moving up from primary to secondary. There are the uniforms and P.E. kits to think about, the new pencil case, and of course, the all important school bag. Thankfully, school uniform suppliers that stock everything from personalised polo shirts to personalised bags exist to make parents’ lives that little bit easier.
In Britain, we take pride in sending our children to school in uniforms. Not only a way of easily identifying which school a child attends, they also serve to make kids feel unified and equal. They remove the element of competition of who has the coolest clothes and hopefully lead to less bullying. In terms of the school’s reputation, they act as publicity, representing the school’s identity and ethos, so you want to get it right!
A smart uniform will consist of an embroidered polo shirt rather than a printed T-Shirt and see the logo embroidered on all the items of clothing, including the P.E. kit. But why embroidery? Well, in order to create that professional finish, this personalisation technique stands out above the rest – and so will your school when sporting the embroidered garments.
In this article, we’re going to look at the benefits of embroidered polo shirts and other garments as well as highlighting great price breaks and alternative printing techniques for school uniforms.

Businesses for resale
Selling personalised uniforms to parents is a great market, especially if you are an independent business. This is due to the fact that independent businesses are able to sell uniforms at a much cheaper price than schools, therefore appealing to parents who have to buy uniforms for more than one child.
Furthermore, independent businesses are able to sell uniforms for a huge variety of schools, therefore extending their reach to a larger market. Fortunately, here at Garment Printing we have all the means necessary to print your personalised clothing, ranging from embroidered polo shirts to personalised school bags, something to think about before bulk buying personalised uniforms for resale.
One of the printing services we offer here which is perfect for personalising school uniforms is embroidery. This is a great technique as it is the perfect way to create excellent brand recognition for any school as well as creating a clean, sophisticated look. One of the main benefits of using embroidery is the low setup costs and the low cost of materials.
This means schools can have an effective, clean design without having to spend a fortune to do so. It also isn’t just embroidered polo shirts and T Shirts we offer, we can embroider onto a huge range of garments, for example, coats, sweatshirts and trousers, as well as beanie hats, gloves and caps.
Another technique which may be of interest is screen printing. This is one of our most popular techniques, which applies ink directly onto materials through a specially created silk mesh screen. This is also the recommended printing techniques for bulk orders. This technique would be perfect for printed sports kits or even printed school bags and reading folders.

Smart and affordable personalised school uniforms
There’s nothing more classic than a white embroidered polo shirt accompanied by a coloured sweatshirt marked with the school’s logo. However, sometimes it can become slightly expensive and schools sometimes aren’t able to sell uniforms at an affordable price, so here’s an idea on how you can maximise your stock whilst saving both yourselves and parents a bit of money at the same time.
At Garment Printing, we want to help you get the best deal possible, which is why the more you buy, the lower the price per unit. So, for any businesses that are looking to invest in personalised uniforms, for example, embroidered polo shirts, why not consider increasing your order quantity?
Increasing your order quantity is not only good for ensuring that stocks last for a long time, but it is much more economical, particularly if your unit quantity is eligible for one of our price breaks, which are applied at these unit quantities: 5,10, 20, 25, 50, 100, 250, 500,1000, 2500 and 5000+.
However, unit quantity is not the only thing that affects price, find out more here about other factors that impact the price of your personalised clothing, such as the colour, print and delivery.
Kid’s T-Shirt sizing
As kids are constantly growing – some at a faster rate than others – it can be tricky to say which size will be right for each student in the same school year. This can become even more complicated when there are no universal kid’s sizes, with the difference between an S and an L greatly varying between suppliers.
This is most notable in children’s garments produced for the American market. In the 2000’s, as supersize meals and fast food was taking the country by storm, US size charts went out of the window, and with many suppliers, what used to be an XL became an M. That’s right, kid’s sizes shifted dramatically to accommodate a larger generation of youngsters, meaning that what Brits received seemed slightly at odds with what they were used to.
We have seen significant differences in sizes in Gildan, Continental and Fruit of the Loom ranges. For example, the EPJ01 Continental Earth Positive T-Shirt for 7-8 year olds is significantly smaller than the 610070 Fruit of the Loom’s Valueweight Long Sleeved T-Shirt for the same age range. This isn’t necessarily a problem, but it’s something that all clients should be aware of, especially when ordering personalised school uniform.

Personalised stationery
Personalised stationery is always a great idea, and a perfect addition to help bring a school’s brand together. Here at Garment Printing, we offer a huge range of personalised stationery for any schools looking to equip staff and students with stylish and modern stationery that represents the school’s brand.
Amongst our personalised stationery range we have personalised pens, and let’s be honest, who doesn’t need a pen? Teachers are always losing their pens and that’s why it’s so important to have as many of these elusive escapees around as possible. The pen provides just enough space for you to print your logo and a brief slogan that you feel sums up your school’s brand identity and the message you want to convey to children and parents alike. We also offer personalised notebooks, diaries and journals, in addition to personalised USB sticks, which can be printed with your school’s logo across them in a stylish and modern way. Whatever your needs, we have a solution for you. For more information about personalised stationery!
For further information regarding personalised uniforms such as embroidered polo shirts and personalised bags, or for any advice regarding the other printing services we offer, give us a call or consult our website.